What Companies Are Using for Internal Social Media

One of the issues that got us thinking and writing about social media inside of companies was that although there is no shortage of platforms one could use as a platform for internal social media, none of them quite hit the mark. Before we delve deeply into why that is the case, we thought it might be helpful to offer a review of the platforms that are out there by someone who is not predisposed against them.

Internal communications specialist Rachel Miller at All Things IC offers an incredibly comprehensive list, cataloguing 25 platforms and some 400 case studies, that begs for perusal. There are videos demonstrating each of the platforms, and links to the sites of their creators.

A caveat on Rachel’s site is that the case studies and the videos all are produced by the companies that are selling the software and services. There is an extremely high happy-talk quotient here, and almost no “we tried this and it was great for three months, but after a year nobody was using it” stories.

Start with that, though, and we will try and add some balance when we dive into what we want in future platforms.

One thought on “What Companies Are Using for Internal Social Media

  1. Really interested to hear what people are using. I’m just straying into Sharepoint ‘Newsfeed’ as a result of a new Sp2013 implementation, but have struggled with Yammer for years (traction is slow). There is a BIG big gap in the blogasphere for this topic… more please!!!

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